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CJS Securities, Inc. Equity Research rating system
Market Outperform (MO): a stock that should perform at least 15% better than the Russell 2000 index over the next 6-18 months
Market Perform (MP): a stock that should perform in line with or slightly better than the Russell 2000 index
Market Under-Perform (MU): a stock expected to under-perform the Russell 2000 index
We also have some stocks on a Monitor List, where we are indicating to clients not to expect a similar level of research coverage as companies on our active coverage list. Hence, we do not have investment opinions, nor do we intend to publish estimates, on Monitor list names.
CJS Securities provided active research on 96 companies, of which 86 (90%) are rated MO (buy) and 10 (10%) are rated MP (hold) and 0 (0%) are rated MU (sell). In addition to our active research there is one company on our Monitor List as of 10/2/23 (no rating, estimates or price target).
The company has received investment banking fees from 10 companies (~10% of the companies under active coverage, 10% of MO rated and 0% of MP rated) and non-investment banking commissions from 12 companies (~13% of the companies under active coverage, ~15% of MO rated and 0% of MP rated) in the past 12 months.
See below
The information and statistics in our reports have been obtained from sources we believe are reliable but we do not warrant their accuracy or completeness. Prices and opinions concerning the composition of market sectors included in this report reflect the judgments as of this date and are subject to change without notice. This material is for your information only and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell, or the solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any securities. CJS Securities Inc., its affiliates, directors, officers, stockholders, employees (or members of their families), and accounts with respect to which the forgoing have investment discretion, may have long or short positions in, and may, as principal or agent, buy or sell the securities mentioned herein or in our reports. Our reports at issue were not prepared in light of the investment objectives of any particular client of the firm and the firm makes no representation of any kind that the recommendation set forth herein is suitable for any particular investor. The list of stocks under research coverage listed on this web site is a representative list but may not be complete, contact your CJS representative for a full list. Occasionally, CJS Securities, Inc. may receive sales credits or fees, directly or indirectly, when an individual company under research coverage or a related peer company does an underwritten offering or for other non-investment banking services. Accordingly, the firm may have a conflict of interest that can affect the objectivity of the research on those companies.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT RISK: Small and micro capitalization stocks frequently are more volatile, have higher risks and are more unpredictable than larger capitalization stocks. Therefore our product generally is targeted only toward sophisticated institutional investors who can better understand the risks and rewards associated with these investments.
Reprints and/or distribution of CJS Securities, Inc. reports (in whole or in part) are strictly prohibited without prior permission from CJS Securities, Inc. Forwarding of emails containing research from CJS is prohibited without prior permission from CJS Securities Inc.
For specific company valuation methodology, analyst certifications and other company specific disclosure information (i.e. companies that CJS has performed investment banking or non-investment banking services for, analyst stock ownership...) not contained here we refer you to the most recent written material of each specific company or contact your registered representative at 914-287-7600 or write to:
CJS Securities
Attn: Compliance
50 Main Street
White Plains, NY 10606